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Terms and Conditions

JUST BRING THE BABY CONDITIONS OF HIRE please read carefully to ensure that these conditions do not contain anything with which you are not prepared to agree.

(a) Definitions This Contract is for the hire of items and accessories ("Equipment") detailed overleaf, and the parties to the Contract are: (i) the "Hirer" and, where the Hirer is not an individual acting in person, the "Signatory”. (ii) Just Bring the with registered offices at 25 Seymour Road, Stockport SK2 6ES. Any condition deemed invalid will not affect other conditions. Nothing in this contract is intended to limit a consumer s existing legal rights. (b) Extent of Contract and Cancellation the Contract is not assignable and is effective when Just Bring the accepts the Hirer s detailed order. Just Bring the reserves the right to charge for cancellation. (c) Termination Just Bring the may terminate the Contract and repossess equipment without affecting any rights to recover monies due, damages for breach of contract or other remedies where the Hirer is in breach of contract (d) Ownership of Equipment and Goods Equipment hired remains the property of Just Bring the at all times. Ownership of Goods purchased transfers only when full payment is received by Just Bring the

(a) Basis of charging The stated hire charges listed are for the duration as stated and include Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.

(b) Transport charges Delivery and collections including attempted calls are chargeable.

(c) Time for payment and VAT the Hirer will pay all monies outstanding, including VAT, on demand (interest on amounts overdue is at Lloyds TSB base rate and will be liable for reasonable legal charges incurred by Just Bring the in the recovery of amounts due and/or Goods.

(d) Deposits are set by Just Bring the at amounts reasonably required and will be offset against any monies due. Deposit balances are refunded upon return to Just Bring the of Equipment in good condition.

(e) Credit and debit card transactions Where the Hirer has signed a blank credit or debit card voucher, with a subsequent payment shortfall, Just Bring the may insert and present for payment the balance due. Part payments by credit or debit card may also be processed by Just Bring the at interim stages of the Contract.

(f) Loss of Equipment and damage repair Just Bring the may treat Equipment unavailable for collection at the stated return time as lost and levies a penalty charge against the Hirer for Equipment replacement and revenue loss.

(a) Inspection and receipt of Equipment and Goods the Hirer will sign to acknowledge receipt at delivery/handover. Shortages must be agreed and noted on the Contract/delivery document. Equipment defects should be reported to Just Bring the as soon as possible.

(b) Delivery/collection of Equipment and Goods the Hirer will provide adequate delivery and collection access. Equipment transported in the Hirer s own vehicle is at the Hirer s risk.

(c) Security of Equipment the Hirer accepts responsibility for Equipment security until its collection by or return to Just Bring the and undertakes not to sell or relinquish possession, alter, repair or modify it in any way.

(d) Safe use of Equipment and breakdown procedure The Hirer is responsible for the safe and correct operation of Equipment (conforming to relevant legislation and the Just Bring the operating and safety instructions supplied) by persons not under the influence of alcohol or drugs and for its constant supervision within the range of children. The Hirer will immediately notify Just Bring the of any Equipment breakdown or shortcoming without attempt at repair. The Hirer will ensure any non-Just Bring the equipment used in conjunction with or attached to Equipment also conforms to safety requirements. (e) Return or collection of Equipment the Hirer may arrange for the return or collection of Equipment with Just Bring the during normal business hours and when Equipment has been returned or collected Just Bring the will issue a return note. The Hirer will remain liable for on-going hire charges until such return note has been issued. When the Hirer requests collection of Equipment Just Bring the will issue a "collection reference number" in acknowledgement, the Hirer remaining responsible for Equipment until actual collection. (f) Lost or stolen Equipment The Hirer will pay full replacement basis against the risks of loss and theft and on demand to pay to Just Bring the any insurance claim proceeds. This liability is without prejudice to any Just Bring the rights under the Contract. Replacement equipment purchased with insurance claim proceeds is the property of Just Bring the

(a) Hire rates Just Bring the will maintain the agreed hire rates for the duration of the Contract. (b) Safety and operating instructions Just Bring the will provide appropriate written and/or practical instruction in the safe and correct operation of Equipment. (c) Testing and inspection of Equipment Just Bring the will comprehensively test all equipment before commencement of hire. Equipment will be inspected and tested where appropriate in accordance with relevant statutory requirements and if Equipment needs to be recovered from the Hirer for such purposes Just Bring the will substitute items of similar specification. (d) Delivery and collection Following the Hirer s request, Just Bring the will endeavour to deliver or collect Equipment during the next business day, wherever possible. (e) Limitation of liability The liability of Just Bring the for claims made by the Hirer does not extend to any unforeseeable financial loss caused by late or non-delivery of Equipment and/or Goods, unsuitability, breakdown, stoppage or lawful repossession. Subject to the above Just Bring the will be liable for negligence or error in the performance of its obligations under the Contract.

British Allergy Foundation logo / Baby Equipment Rental Association logo
We only use products approved by the British
Allergy Foundation to clean our equipment.
Member of the Baby Equipment Hirers Association.
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